Prayer Ministry

Our Prayer Ministry:
  • Special Prayer Teams are involved in the Sunday morning worship during Prayer Time
  • Tuesdays at 11 a.m.  (except for 4th Tuesday of each month)
  • 4th Monday Prayer Meeting 6:30 p.m.
  • Prayer chain – phone and email driven. We maintain a prayer list for the services
  • Special scheduled Healing Services – We schedule every 3 – 4 months
The prayer ministry at Easley Church of God began through a study from Doug Small, Transforming Your Church into a House of Prayer!
Our prayer ministry is built around the “The Four-Fold Focus” (Doug Small)
  • A praying people – personal transformation. At home, daily prayer. Family prayer times. Couples connecting in prayer. Fathers and mothers, praying with children. The discipline of gratitude at meal times. Holiday prayer. Fathers blessing their children. Moms and Dads praying over fevered brows. Homes that are consecrated. Homes where the act and sound of prayer is not strange.
  • A praying church – total dependence upon His hand! Doing the business of God – prayer. And doing nothing without prayer. Making the church a praying church – living out of His presence, depending in His strength, serving beyond ourselves.
  • Identified and Mobilized Intercessions – the prayer engine of the church is intercession and intercessors. These people are called and gifted to pray. All of us are to be intercessors. But there is a core of people with hot-hearts for prayer. Find them. Affirm them. Disciple them. Mobilize them. Train them. Debrief them. Direct them.
  • Prayer Evangelism – Claiming the harvest by prayer.Asking for God’s presence to anoint as we love the lost open to the gospel. Prayerfully looking for the opportunities to share the good news of God’s love. Conduct prayer walks and prayer missions. Ask every Christian to begin to pray for unsaved friends and family. Prayer and the harvest must be connected.
  • Intercession will find its end in evangelism. The lack of success in evangelism, barren altars, are always traceable to a lack of intercession. The first movement in the salvation of a soul is the invasion of the Spirit, and usually that happens with some intercessor in the middle.
Adapted from the book, Transforming Your Church into a House of Prayer!